
Contact MedBASE Solutions Inc.
phone: 416-417-2743
[Remote Support]
[Epic Report Portal]

User Guides

Complete User's Guide
Import Report Portal Outpatient/Clinic Schedule
Import an Outpatient/Clinic Schedule from Epic
Import an Inpatient List from Epic
Print a schedule report with Epic
Print a label from Epic
Billing a scheduled patient
Billing multiple day repeat visits
Billing Non-Ohip Patients (Uninured, IFH, UHIP, Quebec ...)
Review and correct billings
Print Summary of billings
Virtual Care Eligibilty Checker

Training Videos

Billing a scheduled patient
Billing a phone visit
Billing a new Out Patient
Add a patient to Pending List (Out Patient)
Billing a new In Patient
Add a patient to Patient List (In Patient)
Bill Repeat Visits (In Patient)